Building | Motivating | Educating: Teams

to Manage Transformation

Projects are the vehicle of change and an essential part of business transformation.

Do you want to motivate your team, create strong teams of innovators and manage change? 

The Project Management Suite explained in 2 minutes
The Project Management Suite explained in 5 minutes

Knowledge transfer and practical skills development.


Definition and planning of solutions for existing large problems in the company.


Definition and planning of strategies to exploit market opportunities.

Based on ISO 21502 for project management

The set for change management consists of 3 elements.

Each can be used independently. 

However, greater benefits will be obtained by combining them in pairs to constitute the following packages:

  • The Initialization and Planning Package (e-learning + case study workshops);

  • The Executing, Controlling and Closing Package (e-learning + simulation game); and

  • The Certification Package, which combines all three components to obtain the credential “Certified Practitioner in Project Management”.  →

                                                                                                                                         Initialization and Planning Package


Project Simulation
E-Learning ISO 21502
Case Studies


                                                            Executing, Controlling, Closing Package

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Learnplace Academy

Langemarckstrasse 112

79100 Freiburg, Germany

+49 761 707 30 19